Thank you for expressing interest in having your resume reviewed as part of the Alumni Resume Review Program. In this collaborative process, you will be paired with a professional to assist you in updating your resume based on your goals.
Please note, this is not a resume writing service. We will offer advice and guidance, but will not write resumes for alumni. If you would like to hire a professional resume writer, then please contact Alumni Career & Professional Development for recommendations of private resume writers (
Resume Review Process:
STEP 1: First Revision- Upon registering to have your resume reviewed, you will be notified of your reviewer and receive a handout that outlines best practices for writing resumes today. Please use the advice in this handout to make a first revision of your resume.
STEP 2: Schedule Your Review- After updating your resume based on the guidelines from the handout, you
will schedule a time to meet with your reviewer via Zoom or phone.
STEP 3: Resume Review- In this live session via Zoom or phone, your resume will be reviewed based on three criteria: format, content and impact.
Format: Is your resume clearly laid out and easy to read quickly? Is there a balance of text and white space?
Content: Is your resume written with your target audience in mind? Do you highlight accomplishments and outcomes in your bulleted statements?
Impact: Does your resume portray you as the competent, successful, and talented professional that you are?
STEP 4: Second Revision- Utilize the information from the resume review to update your resume a second time. Send an updated copy to your reviewer for a final review.
STEP 5: Final Review & Polish- Your reviewer will review your updated resume and share a final set of edits via email to help you polish your resume. The edits will cover the same three categories: format, content and impact (see above).
Questions? Contact Maura Sweeney '07, director of Alumni Career & Professional Development at